Contact & Support

Creative writing has been scientifically proven to boost mental and physical health, and overall happiness. As far as materials go, all you need is a pen and paper, but it’s our writing community that gives us the license to create. It’s exposure to other writers who are like us–unapologetically doing the work of being writers.

At the New Orleans Writers Workshop, we’re dedicated to offering accessible, quality creative writing courses. Our students range in age and come from diverse backgrounds; some are experienced, published writers; others have no previous writing instruction whatsoever.

Your 100% tax-deductible donations go fully to supporting the work we do here in New Orleans, including:

Keeping our tuition affordable
Offering need-based and BIPOC scholarships
Paying our instructors a fair wage
Hosting free public workshops in our libraries
Developing an on-line craft library


Frequently Asked Questions


What experience do I need to take a class?


You can take most of our courses with no previous study or experience. Unless otherwise specified, courses are suitable for all levels.


Can I start with an advanced class?


If you’ve never studied a particular type of writing, then we recommend you start with an entry-level course, rather than an advanced course. We prefer that advanced students have a foundation in the major craft elements and experience in a workshop environment.

What if I’m unsure what genre I want to learn about?

Try one of our cross-genre workshops like Scene-Writing, Writing Your Life With Greater Compassion, or Lit Club.


How long do your courses last?

9-week courses: Our 9-week courses meet for 9-weeks, 2 hours each week. 

Our weekend workshops vary: half-day, full-day and two-day.

How heavy is the workload?

It depends on the course. For 9-week classes, you will generally be asked to read the work of your fellow students and generate some of your own writing each week.  A good rule of thumb is: if the class is two hours in-session, budget at least two hours outside of class each week, as well.

Weekend workshops usually have no outside work. You will learn and generate new work during the time allotted.

Will my writing be treated with respect?


Absolutely, New Orleans Writers Workshop instructors treat all student work with respect and insist that other students do the same. The goal of workshop is to draw attention to what is working well and illuminate areas where the piece might be improved. 


Is it possible to work one-on-one with New Orleans Writers Workshop Instructors?


Yes, see our editorial services section.

Where does my tuition money go?


Tuition goes straight back into the programming: pays the teachers, pays for space and covers general Web site maintenance and marketing. 


Do you have scholarships?


We set our classes at the lowest rate we can to keep them affordable for most students while offering our instructors a fair wage. We cannot offer scholarships at this time.


What happens if I need to cancel my registration?


Students will receive a full refund up to 7 days prior to start of class. Students who withdraw after the first class will receive a fifty percent refund or may switch to another class of equal value.